Friday, December 10, 2010

...I Should Have Listened To Him

“no…No!” I woke up drenched with sweat. Having slept fitfully since that day, I felt drained.

I would never forget that eventful day. As it was the summer holidays, Kelvin and I had taken a few days off for a vacation at Pangkor Island. We set off just before the dawn broke and arrived at the port quite early. Our car was parked near a coffee shop under a mango tree. While waiting for the ticket counter to open, we had some cappucino in the coffee shop. The salty air and the aroma of the coffee was surprisingly a perfect match. Being two early birds, we chit-chatted happily because this was our first holiday at Pangkor island.

Soon, the port was crowded. We squeezed through the crowd and bought an early ticket to Pangkor Island. Ferries were coming into the port. Some were loading and unloading goods while others had tourists on board. Our belongings were just a backpack. “Pangkor” was the ferry we were going to board. She was not gigantic but new and well furnished with Luxurious seats, air conditioners and a LCD television! How comfortable it was.

In spite of the cozy ambience, we decided to enjoy the fresh air on the deck. Kelvin loved the murmuring sound of sea breeze as much as I did. We loved each other as we are both nature’s lover. Seagulls glided above us as I clicked the camera busily. It would be the front cover of my latest collection of wildlife on Facebook.

Suddenly, a lightning tore the blue sky apart. The thunders rolled. The dark clouds conquered the reign of the blue sky. It started raining cats and dogs. The deck became wet and slippery. All the tourists ran down the deck.

“Ah!” I slipped and fell on the deck.

“The sole of your feet is bleeding profusely! Quick, head for the door!” Kelvin shouted.

He held me tight in his arms as we walked cautiously towards the door. Just before we made it to the door, the ferry pitched vigorously and both of us fell on our knees. Then, another violent pitch occured and this time, Kelvin was lost from my sight. He had fallen overboard.

“Kelvin! Where are you?” I cried in a daze.

Before I knew, I was rushing down the deck and shouting for help. All the passengers were nervous when they heard me. The captain came to me to assure me. He said that the rescue team would arrive soon but the ship had to dock at Pangkor Island. I sat down in despair. The sky was tumbling down and I almost cried my eyes out. Helpless, I could only say my prayers.

“Please, keep him in the palm of Your hands.” I whispered to God.

Finally, the ferry arrived at a shore. From afar, I saw the rescue unit running towards me. They told me that Kelvin was found alive! I cried in joy when I met him though he was unconcious. I hugged him tightly and thanked God, for ‘He’ had heard my prayers. In no time, we were sent to a nearby hospital on the Island. The doctor said that Kelvin would be concious. It was just a matter of time. I was relieved.

I hated myself for my self-centredness. If I had listened to him, this would not have happened. He had wanted to go to a hill resort. If I had listened to him, he would not be lying here, in the hospital. We would have been holidaying in Genting Highlands happily.