Sunday, July 4, 2010

Save Me!

Just now, my family and I went to the watch "The Legend of Ip Man" at Jusco. As I just got my driving license, dad insists that I should be "The Driver of the Night". Anxiously, I started the engine and went on the busy road.

After I got through the traffics, it was a long, dark road. There were only few cars on the road. Fear crept into my heart when I almost lost a clear vision of the road. In addition, the driver behind me was flashing his car lamps to me, how annoying! Once again, the sparkles reduce my vision. Moreover, I felt very nervous when I enter the "Cow Zone".

The "Cow Zone" is a place where cows can cross the road whenever they like. Oweing to this, many fender-bender took place in this area. Most of the drivers died in the fender-bender. Though, there were other cases where both man and cows die or only cows die. "Namo Amittabha" I muttured to myself. May Buddha bless me. I do not want to die in a fender-bender with cows yet.

While I was focusing on the road, I saw a brown object on the road. "Oh no, was it a cow or was it only a dog?" I asked myself. When I got nearer to the object, I saw that it was not a cow, but a herd of cow! With all my might, I stepped on the brake and my car screeched to a halt. So as the car behind me. Phew! I stopped just in time. There were three cows and a calf crossing the road without fear. Still, I was afraid that they might charge at me as I was an annoying trespasser to them. I pumped the oil hard and zoomed away in a flash of lightning.

We were so lucky to survive from the cows' 'sudden attack'. My parents grumbled that the cows should be shot to death because they had cause many road accidents. To me, I think that our government should put more effort in solving two problems: Cow breeding and road lamps. If the road lamps are there, drivers can avoid crashing into those cows as they can see them from far. On the other hand, government should insist the cow breeders to keep their cows in their own farm or land. It is very dangerous to let their cows wandering on the road.

As a conclusion, Malaysia government never take any of these problems seriously. Why? This is because they live in the city where cows would not cross the highways or charge at them. Therefore, efficient steps should be taken by our government immediately to solve this issue in hand with the JKR department to reduce the risk of car accidents.